What Is Digital Marketing?

In Simple words Digital marketing is like general marketing when done on digital platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube google or any new Digital platform is known as Digital marketing. Marketing concepts remains the same in both the cases you market your brand to public/consumers.

Types of Digital Marketing

There 9 types of Digital marketing as mentioned below:

  1. SEO:

SEO or search engine optimization refers to the process of increasing your visibility over SERP (also known as Search engine result page) through keyword search. Keywords the words users’ normal type in to search engines like Google and Bing to search what they need. For example, typing DIGITAL MARKETING on google will give you a different result. Whereas Digital marketing is the keywords and making sure your company ranks that keyword is called SEO.

2. Search Engine Marketing and Pay-Per-Click Advertising:

Just Like SEO, SEM or search engine marketing provides a paid platform to rank on the Keywords. Search engine platforms charge marketers a certain amount to rank their website on the first page of SERP on the keywords that marketer chooses to bid on. PPC or Pay per click refers to the method in which search engine charges the marketer each time when someone clicks on their ads. Commonly used platforms are GOOGLE ADWORDS and Bing ads.

3. Social Media Marketing:

OHHHK, so this will be easier for you guys to understand, anything you do over social media to increase your followers or friend list increasing traffic for your business is called social media marketing. Social media is playing an important role as it caters to a large number of targeted audiences.


4. Content Marketing:

Content marketing refers to creating unique content that can be used to generate lead or sales, it is an ongoing process and the marketer should focus or regular content creation for their users. Tweet a YouTube video, blogs or nowadays MEMES these are all part o content marketing. Content marketing works well as it helps in better SEO and SEM planning making a deadly digital marketing strategy.

5. Affiliate Marketing:

Ok so think of affiliate marketing like hiring a salesperson to market your product on a commission basis. Rate of commission is determined by the person hiring the affiliates and you only for the conversions. Keep In mind before choosing an affiliate discuss all the terms and conditions in advances making sure there is a win-win situation for both.

6.Influencer Marketing:

So, this is what you cool people call SHOUTOUTS. Influencer marketing is when you use a person with huge followers to promote your products on social media. Influencer marketing is quite popular over platforms like Instagram and snapchat. Companies hire instagrammers to promote their product or services or sometimes they even hire to handle their social media platforms for a day or two to get more follower and gain unique views.

7. Email Marketing:

Email marketing is when you market your product using emailers. Email marketing creates a bond between the company and subscribers by providing a regular update through their content helping to create Brand Trust and Brand Loyalty.

8.Viral Marketing:

Viral marketing refers to some sort of trends either funny or strange but good enough to gain a massive number of shares online. Viral marketing if done right provides a huge number of website traffic in a short duration. Making a content viral takes a lot of hard work but once a campaign is successful it surely has benefits.

9.Mobile Phone Advertising:

Almost all the above-mentioned digital marketing can be done on mobile as well.  Some of the marketing techniques are not included above as those can be done from a mobile phone only like SMS marketing. SMS marketing help to keep the customer updated about the deals and offers helping to create brand trust.

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