The Science behind Colors : How Color Psychology affects your brand and design

What is Color Psychology?

Color Psychology is the study of hues such that they determine human behavior. Each color seen by the human eye is perceived differently by the brain.

Color Psychology is one of the major techniques used in Graphic Designing and Marketing. Graphic designers and marketeers need to be well versed with the representation of colors to bring out the best for a brand.

Fun Fact : Color Psychology is so effective and widely used, that they even choose the color of medicines according to the kind of effect they have on the body!

For example, “hot-colored” pills work better as stimulants and “cool-colored” pills work better as depressants.

Colors influence your customers’ perception of your brand or product.


Color Psychology in Branding and Marketing


There are some colors that are majorly associated with some specific industry. Logos and branding are created in accordance with the industry the brand belongs to. For example, the Fast Food Industry is dominated by the colors Red and Yellow. Think McDonald’s. The brain processes colors before it processes words or shapes. Red is a color that is associated with stimulation, which increases heart rate and hence helps you get an appetite. Yellow is associated with happiness.

Similarly, think KFC, Burger King, Wendy’s, Carl’s Junior, and Pizza Hut.

This is how Color Psychology works. You need to be sure of the colors that should be used in your logo and branding if you want to be associated with the industry that your brand belongs to, or simply to stand out.

Using wrong colors and color combinations in your logo or branding is likely to flush down all your attempts of portraying your brand the way it was meant to.


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What different colors represent
Red color branding and designing

Red is one of the most intense colors. It is mainly associated with boldness, power, passion, and energy. It may, however, also be associated with danger, violence, and anger. It is known to pump up the heart rate.

Orange stands for creativity, enthusiasm, playfulness, adventure, and fun. Orange is a color that may be used to highlight some specific aspects in your logo, it is, however, not as commanding as the color red.

Orange color branding and designing
Yellow color branding and designing

Yellow represents happiness, optimism, and positivity. However, some shades of the color may represent warning or dishonesty. Use a cheerful yellow to highlight the optimistic aspect of your brand.

Green stands for growth, health, money, and nature. You will usually see this color in logos for brands that focus on nature or natural products, or brands that belong to money niche.

Green color branding and designing
Blue color branding and designing

Blue shows stability, maturity, peace, reliability, and trust. Brands associated with social media, marketing, electronics, automobiles, and banking usually use this color so that it may develop a sense of trust in the person that sees it.

Purple stands for luxury, royalty, and power. It may also represent wisdom. If your brand is associated with luxury, purple is your go to color.

Purple color branding and designing
White color branding and designing

White is a neutral color that signifies purity, calmness, and humility. It is majorly used as a contrast or accent color to highlight and make other colors stand out.

Black is another neutral color that creates a sense of class, power, and sophistication for a brand. It is used to bring out the edgy and elegant aspect. It is majorly used in typography.

Black color branding and designing
What’s next?


Choosing the right color for your brand majorly depends upon what your brand stands for. There are tons of hues and shades to choose from, many of which are associated with positivity, and many with negativity. However, the color that accentuates your brand the most is the one that actually brings out what it represents.


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